There we were, just finishing off our drinks in Hullaballoo's when 4 visions
of beauty approached the table. They took a chair, and proceeded to engage
the occupants of the table.
Given that we were in "Stuey's pulling season" (1st October to 1st December
every year), he wasted no time in getting to know the curly red head. The arm
was round the chair in about 90 seconds, then on the shoulder in about 3
minutes, and nearly in her lap after 5!
However, he hadn't appreciated competition from the other end of the table...
The party retired to Neil's place for a bit of "apres-ski", and the work rate
went sky high. Imagine the poor american girl caught in a volley of CBRC's
finest casanovas, with their slick moves, and to-die-for lines.
I bet you want to know who got the girl? Who's charms were enough to woo the
trans-atlantic beauty? Who promised the better fumbling in the dark?
Answer: Neither of them!
Good work fellas - very entertaining viewing. She had you wrapped round both
her little fingers!

It's incredible she didn't fall for the charms of 'redcoat' russ and his opening gambit of 'hi-di-hi'
Or those of sniffer of Bordeaux
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