Day five in the boat house and the house mates are having a quiet morning trying to get over their hangovers after a night of drinking in the love shack. To pass the time they decide to continue the ongoing search for the riggers for the Welsh Boat. During the hunt, talk turns to the name of the boat and how it is actually pronounced. For half an hour they battle with the name but can’t quite get their tongues round the ridiculous number of vowels.
Jane has been quiet while this has been going on but seeing that the house mates are struggling she reveals a little known talent. For, as well as being fluent in Northern and a highly proficient drinker of alcohol the Women’s Captain is also an active campaigner for the preservation of the Welsh language. She proceeds to teach the housemates exactly how to say the name of the boat as well as the words to “Bread of Heaven”. The correct pronunciation of the boat name can be heard here.
In order to keep them occupied the house mates are given their final, seemingly impossible task, to find a cox for the Learn To Row women (or are they now referred to as the novices??) For this task the girls are to compete against the boys …….

Friday is the last day of Big Brother Boat House 2006 and a winner needs to be decided. It’s up to you, the general public, to decide who is the most deserving of the house mates to be awarded the grand prize of a week at the Eton Rowing Course learning how to row properly.*
Votes can be cast using the comments section and a brief explanation as to why that person should win should be included. Alternatively e-mail your suggestions to I-love-wearing-my-all-in-one@hotmail.co.uk.
*Votes may or may not be taken into account when deciding the winner. The prize may be substituted, at Gurt Lush Productions’ discretion, for half a day on the Sharpness Canal in one of the Virus sculls with Crusher coaching.
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