Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Keep on running
Entries open today - and it fills up quickly.... so get entering (can't see why myself - but I guess it takes all sorts!)
A new entry at number 1...
The next number one single is hotly tipped to be this love song by a haddock!
Word of the Day...
But imagine my surprise when I went back a few day, and looked for Sundays new word (no internet access in the deepest darkest depths of the Forest!).... See if you can guess the word that this refers to...
"To talk in a rambling, foolish, or meaningless way."
Got it yet?
Answer can be found here!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Last of a Kind...
I got some of my scientist chums to have a look into this, and low and behold it appears the Mr Bathrust hails from Indonesia...

Monday, January 29, 2007
Sadly for the rowing world one of the Russians failed a drugs test.
Head of Shing Mun
Although there appears to be some conflicting accounts of what actually went on....
Are we nearly there yet?
The normal chaos at the start ensued (even 1 crew turning up with 5 of one, and 3 of the other oars, and ending up racing as a 6!), but it all eventually got of to a smooth start, albeit with a few timing issues at the end of the course - I think the finish timers should invest in an eye test before next years race!
Thanks to all the people not racing, and helping out during the race, and then the racers getting stuck in too, which all made the day run well and help Brian keep what little hair he has still got.
The results can be found on the website, and I should have some crew photo's to stick up shortly...
Friday, January 26, 2007
Crew Personalities
Cox - Jimmy/Diego, Ruth/Emily : God reincarnated. However, they can't drive a car anymore. They take 10 miles to change a lane, over steer, can't find the brakes, and yell to the car a lot.
Stroke - Rachael W/Jo, Sam/Tom : 'It's a tough job but only I can do it.' Strokes are born and made to be the most competitive person in the boat by far, and if they stroke long enough, become overly competitive in everything they pursue, or don't pursue..
Seven - Caroline T/Zoe, Rob B/Ali : The seven seat is the Bitch Niche. The longer one rows at seven, the more sophisticated and complex the bitching becomes.
Six - Julia/Katy, Gav/Billy : If you bred Arnold Swarcheneggar with a Golden Retriever, you get a six. Six is also Seven's yin. The gentle giant, gorilla in the mist. Six absorbs most of seven's bitching and keeps it from moving through to the rest of the crew.
Five - Jihan/Lauren, Morgan/Graeme : God. Yahweh. Allah. Buddha. It's not that the five seat IS those things, it's just that's how (s)he gets treated. Five is an example of what happens to a bum that is treated like a king, they act like one.
Four - Caroline R/Nicole, Dom/David : The Amnesia-seat. Take a genius with a photographic memory. Four seat is not stupid, just has immediate and catastrophic memory loss. Four is why racing shirts are handed out on race day.
Three - Jane/Rachael M, Andy/Crusher : Late in the water. Late to practice. Late to class. Late to work. Late out of the water. Late to his date. Late to the team bus. Late for everything but chow line.
Two - Kirsty/Corina, Col/John : Lean to the Left, Lean to the right, stand up sit down fight fight fight. Cheerleader. If (s)he says something funny, (s)he repeated something the bowman prompted them with
Bow - Emma/Rowena, Russ/Gildas : Comedian. The bow seat creates a strange fatalism. They know that in a catastrophic collision, they'll be the only one to die or get paralysed. (S)he can be humorless and witless off the water, but on the water when there is breath to spare, you're sure to catch a chuckle if you listen.
The WEHORR crews (give or take a couple of subs) will be out on the water this weekend for their first race.
PS - I take no responsibility for any of these descriptions, and are not necessarily the views held by myself - although I do tend to agree with some of them. It was borrowed from here, and gives much fuller descriptions.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
In the Beginning...
Then God looked down upon the human race and sought out four strong humans: tall, lean, well-muscled, but not too bright. These four God called "the engine room".
God looked further and found two strong humans with focus and a well-developed sense of balance. These two God called "the bow pair".
God sought a human who was steely-eyed, determined, a competitor who would never say "die". This human God called "the stroke".
One more human God found. An individual who had all the qualities of "the stroke" but one who could also follow and send a strong rhythm and will to those who in turn followed him. This individual God called simply "seven".
Now God faced the biggest challenge. God must find an individual who could control and lead these eight exemplary human beings. One who was cocky and confident with a loud voice and dominant bearing. God found no such human being, so God came to earth and took on the role of the coxswain.
I stole this from someone - I apologise, but thought it quite funny... and true!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
I can see the bridge....

Not now.... I'm stressed!
Well ladies, here is Gurt's stress relief advice!
whoever smelt it dealt it..

Monday, January 22, 2007
I woz here too
Looks like baggy has been out and about round Bristol marking his 'territory' out!
Wet and Windy - UPDATED
A : WEHORR selection and training camp.
The weather was not playing ball, it was wet, windy and bl**dy cold, but the majority of the women's squad wandered down to Wimbleball Lake, set in the hills of Exmoor for some extra video and training sessions to ready themselves for 8's head training.

The Ladies (+ the all important coxes!)
Despite the weather that was more suited to sailing rather than rowing, it was still a successful camp, and a change of water and scenery was certainly a welcome change from ploughing up and down the docks - would be a great setting for some summer training!
There is even a rowing club based there!
Suggestions of the day - Take the small trailer, there are some tight corners to get round!!
But before they really get stuck into the training plan, there is one last social on the Calender...
The Head of the Avon Gorge after show party
Time - 8pm
Place - The Roo bar, and then off dancing to a place still yet to be decided, but if I were a betting man, I would say La Rocca would be the choice of champions!
Friday, January 19, 2007
More Look-a-Like
This is for the longer standing members of the club!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Watch out for your wallet....
A word of warning for those (males) of you who may be regular Tesco, Sainsbury's or Asda customers. Over the last month I became a victim of a clever scam while out shopping. Simply going out to get a few bits and pieces has turned out to be quite traumatic. Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you!
Here's how the scam works:
Two seriously good-looking 20-21 year-old girls come over to your car
as you are packing your shopping into the boot. They both start wiping
your windscreen with a rag and Windolene, with their breasts almost falling
out of their skimpy T-shirts. It is impossible not to look.
When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say "No" and instead ask
you for a ride to another Tesco or Asda. You agree and they get in the back seat. On the way, they start having sex with each other. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and performs oral sex on you while you are driving. Whilst this is happening the other one steals your wallet.
I had my wallet stolen on December 14th, 19th, 20th, twice on the 27th, 29th, and 31st. Also January 4th, 5th, 6th, twice on the 7th, three times just yesterday, and very likely again this coming week.
Be careful out there,
to drink, or not to drink

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
New Year - New Look
Gurtrude got me a make over for my Christmas present - not sure what she was trying to say?!?
So thought the blog could do with one too!
Captain Look-a-like
Ibiza on Ice
"This year saw the 3rd annual CBRC ski tour, and this year it was decided to invite some female entertainment along - and they didn't disappoint, often encouraging much dancing in one of the many local drinking/dancing establishments! Having seen the women out in Bristol we knew that we would need to choose a resort well known for both skiing, and après ski - and so the final choice was Andorra, Pas De La Casa. Whilst it certainly didn't disappoint with the latter, the lack of snow certainly affected the day times activities, which all I can say improved the evenings entertainments, knowing that there was not acre's of snow covered mountains to discover with a hangover the following morning.
Below is the group photo (with missing comrades - Charlie and Joe) just before we went out for our bad taste evening, which was certainly one of the best nights out I have had for a while - but you would have to ask the touring party as to how the evening went from then.

We were all of course sad to have a man down before we even left the UK, but he was remembered with a moments silence each night... but it was good to see Charlie also had a bad taste shirt on. We were almost down a second when it was discovered that a certain member's passport ran out half way through the holiday, but somehow we managed to get him there and back without any officials noticing!!
I think that all the touring party will say it was a jolly good tour, and here is to next year when we will hopefully be able to find a little more of the white stuff to play on... and a little less apple schnapps to get hung over on.
CBRC ski tours over and out for another year”
Friday, January 05, 2007
cereal box game
Some CBRC members at the news years party in Duffryn in the Welsh Valleys playing the cereal box game - and with a bit a dancing in the background. For those that don't know the game, you have to pick the box up with your mouth without touching the ground (apart from your feet). Each round you tear a bit off the top of the box until the last man is standing! |
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Up a valley
apparently the food was better on the Sunday than the Saturday

Lessons were learnt on how to pick up a box from the floor with only your mouth - although Kirsty won the competition in a hard fought battle!
The hill that felled Charlie - we wish him a speedy recovery, as the latest news is that he has had to go into hospital back in Bristol with an infected hip - Get well soon mate!
and the happy couple after she said yes!
Party Like it's 2006
To keep you occupied while the photos get developed, have fun playing “Guess What’s in his Pants”. The look on Dom’s face suggests it probably wasn’t a pretty sight….

Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Two become one
Congratulations to Rob and Rachael on their engagement.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Going Down (under)
Liz has already departed, but we will be sending Phil off in style on Friday 5th Jan - The plans are as follows!
Starting at Seven Shed at 7.30
We will be moving on at 8.30 to another local establishment to be announced on the day.
Dress code for the evening will be 'Aussie'.
Goodbye 2006 - Hello 2007
It appears that Dom has finally got his arse in gear, and asked Miss Green if she would like to become a Mrs Hall. However before she had time to answer, then were interrupted by a semi naked Zoe and Nicky (I think) - but despite the shock she said yes! That has got to be a good story for the grandkids!
So we have a CBRC wedding to look forward to sometime in the future - Congratulations Dom and Jane.

Can't wait to here what else happened at that new years eve party!