There was quite a good turn out for Dr Lancaster's big night out in Bristol at the weekend - some people who could not be bothered to turn up on time, even had to queue to get in, as the bar was quite literally bursting at the seams with CBRC!
The most photographed person of the night (bar Katy as it was her birthday!) was not the ubiquitous Julia - But Diego! Here is one (of two!) of them together... Not sure if Julia was requiring support, as she looks as if she is hanging off Diego!

Jane appeared to have not only been drinking, but also taking some other form of drugs... looking a little zombie like here!
And then there was Jimmy, who was so desperate to sup the last bit of the strange strawberry cider type concoction, that he felt the need to lick it off the floor!!
There are of course more photo's that you can view to you hearts content here!
The drugs could explain my 3 day hangover and prolongued feelings of nausea. It couldn't be the booze, surely?
"I'm never drinking again"
The drugs could explain my 3 day hangover and prologued nausea.
"I'm never drinking again"
Looks like Rob's been practicing some poses for his wedding photos
Jane does a good likeness of 'Neil' from The Young Ones!
Cambridge drop their cox: (no double entendres!)
Kieran West said: "All this pulling up and down isn't generating
results. We put our heads together and decided that worrying about our
cox was impairing our performance. It's not just about having a big
mouth. What we need is a second stroke. We've chosen a girl whose
lightness of touch and rhythm will, we think, stiffen our resolve. "
Duncan Holland said: "We didn't want our cox to be the centre of
attention, but frankly it's going that way. I saw a lot of drooping
heads after last week's performance. But if Rebecca can deliver the Head
we're expecting this weekend, I think you'll see some happy faces."
Pass the lentils sniffer
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