Rob had even brought some fake tan to make sure that he got ahead of the tanning game, but ended up with streaky legs - and then he ran out of fuel on the way home on the M32!
On the racing front, there were no medals for CBRC, although all crews had some good racing. The best result coming from the Women's 1st crew in S38's coming in second behind Osiris. The men's 1st crew deciding to hit above their weight entering S2 and S1 8's had a little bit of a tougher time, but not doing a bad job getting into the finals in both events.
The second crews did not have quite so much success not making the finals, but still looking good for Henley qualification. Even the women's 4 who had to pull Jimmy's fat arse down the course!
Things are looking good from the prospective Henley's which are fast approaching.
Comment of the day:
"Oh shit, look they've blown-up"!
"No mate, thats the finish line"!!!
who said that?
Some one in the 1st 8!
The other eight
I sense a bit of tension there crush??
It was our heroic stroke man who said that!
Aside from all this chit-chat, well done to all crews, a good performance all round!
Who did that? The screaming?
Who cares!
Hmmm... there appears to be an over indulgence in censorship by Gurt...
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