a message from the men's captain:
Saturday 15th March saw the 2008 HORR take place in near perfect conditions. City of Bristol had the strongest entry in recent years with two top level crews comprising a good mix of experience from novice all the way to elite rowers and Henley winners.
Following last year’s disappointment all oarsmen were hoping for a more satisfactory conclusion to the winter training season. This was certainly achieved with the 1st VIII moving up 95 places and finishing 62nd while the 2nd VIII followed closely behind coming in at 70th. I’m fairly sure that City of Bristol has never placed higher in the HORR and certainly not with two crews in the top 80. The result is testament to the commitment of our coaching team as well as the talent of our oarsmen. Congratulations also to Dom, Russ and Crusher who made a guest appearance in the Blacksheep boat and finished 186th. Commiserations to the Vets who were unable to race on Sunday after the event was cancelled.
The Men’s squad finds itself in a new and exciting place with size and depth that has not been seen for some time. We have some challenges ahead to maximise our potential and I am also keen that we improve the development of rowers within the club so we can maintain what we have started. We have set ourselves up for a blinding summer and I am looking forward to seeing us well and truly on the map for the major summer races.

Well done guys - cracking result!
Do not forget Aarron who stroked the boat for Black Sheep
or lazy traitor Gavos who did the same for his uni chums
Good one Gav
Not 2nd VIII, not my captain
I thought the definition of a first boat was that it was the fastest boat from a club, the next fastest being the second boat, etc., etc.
As one boat finished higher, in a faster time (even with a slower stream?) and went up more than a few places on their start position then that would tend to make them the 1st VIII in most people's books.
I wonder who could be insecure enough to write the above comment....
Oi. I'm no traitor. The relevant people knew I was rowing in a comedy boat.
And being stroke isn't lazy. You have to pretend really hard for the photos.
Lets see what happens when the two boats go side by side
come to the dark side gav
"Lets see what happens when the two boats go side by side"
Why? Or is it best of 3?
Can both squads come clean & say who they are.If you have something to say stop hiding.As andy said lets move on & build even if we stay in our own squads we can still go faster if we train against each other
It's Evesham regatta 1999 all over again:
MS38+ final: City of Bristol R. C. beat Univ West England R. C, Verdict: Canvas
3 of that UWE boat were in the "2nd" 8 this year..!
My God boys this is some terrible chat, stop with all the silly bitching. Fair play to the city 1st eight for beating us at the eights head, you boys trained hard and deserved it. I hope we both have the oppurtunity to train together now as much as possible and bring on the whole mens squad as a result.
Sly (Nick Reeves if you don't know)
Jeez - First year that we have two good crews that actually perform at the HORR (rather than just showing promise) and afterwards, it's handbags at dawn from both sides.
One boat will be faster than the other (even if only marginally) and fair play to whichever that one is. Excuses and bitching about boats, stream, starting place, etc is, frankly, lame and just suggests caring more about your egos than your actual performance.
Grow up and get the best out of your own boats. Neither eight's real opposition is the other crew so let's use the fact that we have two good crews to make both faster without resorting to childish behaviour that helps neither the crews nor the club.
Woah there you testosterone fuelled tykes.
I think boathouse banter is spilling over into the calm and peaceful "let's have a pint and get to know each other better" land of Gurt.
Likely it's only one or two lads flexing their biceps, but that's enough now.
Concentrate on taking down Tideway Scullers, Gents.
A few beers & a good fight is required.
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