To give you a few ideas I've been trawling the world wide interweb for inspiration. Here are a few sugestions:
For the blokes:

Chewbacca - You'll need to perfect the growl though

Fat Ba***rd - He's got a sexy body

Jaws - A snappy little number
For the birds:


Cruella De Ville - for the dog lovers

Felicity Shagwell - Groovy baby

and my personal favourite: Wonderwoman.
Don't forget to get your tickets from Dom or Ruth and Marcus is still collecting lots for the auction of promises.
How about a competition to match club members upto characters?
Marcus - 'ThermoMan' !
I want to know what Steve is going as, so I can be his match!
Jane would make a great Wonderwoman!
Who's going to go as Princess Leia?
Nominations for 'Batman and Robin' ?
Beaver and beaver
No I think it'd be quiet funny having Steve and Marcus as Batman and Robin!
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