Tickets for the ball are still available from Dom and Ruth and one or both of them will be down at the club each night this week. If you still haven’t bought yours then make sure you take your cheque books with you when you go paddling. Don’t forget that friends, family and colleagues are more than welcome to come along too. I’ve had a sneak preview of Steve’s costume and I can tell you that it is worth the price of the ticket alone!
Sponsorship forms have been distributed for the ergathon so hopefully everyone is getting them filled up with pledges. Jane needs to know which session you would prefer to take part in so make sure you let her know.
Team 1: 11am-1pm
Team 2: 1pm-3pm
Team 3: 3pm-5pm
In order to reach the target of 200,000m in 5 hours you’ll need an average split of 2:15 so I hope you’ve all been training hard!
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