The Club person of the year award went to a very deserving Pete Valance.
The Novice of the year award was given jointly to Jo Ross, Rona Smith, Zoe Grimes and Martina Hicks.
All of the Lush awards were hotly contended and the nominees and winners were as follows:
Tart of the Year
Nominees: Sarah Hogan, Neil Bromwich, Stuart Castle
Winner: Stuey
Fashion Statement of the Year

Nominees: Neil Bromwich, Rob Beever, Tim Beaver
Winner: Neil Bromwich
Crash of the Year
Nominees: 2005 Henley IV, Jenny Tipping, Paddy Devane
Winner: 2005 Henley IV
Gurt Lush Headline Grabber
Winner: The Red Squirrel
Congratulations to all of these worthy winners!
Would anyone like to explain to me how Sarah Hogan was nominated as Tart of the year, does anyone know anyone she has actually been with? Although she didn't seem too surprised when her name was called out!
I'm surprised she didn't win it! Every time she goes out she bags another man.... who was her latest victim at the ball?
Her list of conquests is apparently long and distinguished though for some reason undocumented by the Lush?
Watch out lads when Miss Hogans about!
why have you had a bad experience?
Ye know who ye are and ye have been warned, so I'm not expecting any names to be named!!! And for all these anonymous people, jealousy is not a very attractive attribute!
What are we supposed to be jealous of.... being a tart of the year nominee? Reality check required!
Someone taking things a little serious I think!!!!!
Yeah Sarah.... stop taking it so seriously!
I think somebody else might be taking it a little bit too seriously. Or else Sarah has upset you in some way perhaps!!
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