Saturday, April 12, 2008

Another good head

With the distinct chance that events over the course of the next 12 hours filling these pages for weeks to come (come on, tell all... you know you want to) it's a good idea to mention that there head that took place earlier today.

A slightly smaller than usual Head of the Avon went off without any hiccups with weather to make an old man's heart glow like a surf boaters arse. Even with a slight shower to make people grumble before the start and several pleasure boats trying to wash scullers down, all boats finished the course safely.
The event was mainly a chance for good old CBRC to spank it along one of the longest courses that anyone round here feels the need to put themselves through, but there were a couple of additions from elsewhere too.

Thanks to the organisers, especially Brian who still seems to want to make his life as hard as possible every year. Cheers luvva.

And so well done all those who decided it would be a good idea to do a stupid amount of rowing this morning. No results as yet, mainly because people are putting party frocks on.
Now where'd I put me pulling pants?

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