Friday, December 07, 2007

Cracking good fun

As most of the club who read the recent men's squad news letter will know, one of the fresh-faced new boys to the club has been sizing up the lovely Brizzle lasses. Whether or not he's been successful is not something we shall dwell on today although the situation is being closely monitored...
But no, what's taken Gurt's sizeable interest recently is the young Lothario's tactics for attracting the (much) fairer sex.

But what is it that the ladies can see that we can't? A rude slogan on the back of his Tshirt? Perhaps an offensive mural on the side of the van? It took us a while to crack the problem, but when we got to the bottom of it we creased up with the rest of them.
For those of you who didn't make it to the end of the video one unfortunate is heard in the background to cry "My eyes! MY EYES!" before succumbing to a dead faint. Poor soul.

Strange courting methods to say the least but most likely developed from many a long coach trip with rugby types (and let's hope Crusher doesn't get any ideas). But maybe Gurt's behind the times. I remember when all it took was a nod & a quick scrumpy to woo fair Gurtinas back to my shed.

At the moment we're only getting films from one of the many Mediterranean looking folk who keep hanging around the place. This is of course totally unfair and will not be tolerated much longer.
So just to get some variety, and to make sure that the antics of none are left unreported, anyone is free to send along any films of fair Bristol Rowing folk doing things they perhaps shouldn't to the usual address .

Anyone else anticipating the Christmas party?

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