Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Who drives you on?

Whilest battling through the last few weeks of a particularly cold winter, I hear that our coxes have been coming up with even more novel ways of encouraging crews...

It is rumoured that the novice women used the paddle up to the start of Gloucester Head this weekend to discuss who were the best looking men in the CBRC squads. The top contenders were then allocated a number of strokes for each push during the race - dependent upon their desirability.

No-one knows who was "the push for 10", but I hear that the Men's Skipper was the "Easy Oar"!


Anonymous said...

Rumour has it that when Jim 'Muscles' Young name was mentioned they started backing down...

Anonymous said...

Russ 'big gimp'Crofts name was mentioned and they jumped out of the boat!!!