Friday, October 14, 2005

Health Update - Look out Girls!

Whilst supping a little sherry last night, I was perusing my favourite medical journal The Lancet. I was shocked to read that scientists have finally found the truth about moving in with blokes...

Women who cohabit may put on weight as a consequence.

A UK obesity expert has analysed why it is that women who move in with their man often put on weight as a result.

Eating man-sized portions and indulging in richer foods and wines can lead to weight gain, a review in The Lancet medical journal says.

When you combine that with going on the contraceptive pill or having babies, a woman's waistline can severely suffer, says author Dr David Haslam.

"Men are very bad for women really," he said.

If you are eating with a partner the evening meal is a social may eat more and maybe more extravagant stuff. He said research showed women tend to gain weight once they cohabit and begin to share meals with men who intrinsically have higher energy needs and therefore appetites.

"If you are eating with a partner the evening meal is a social event and its no longer just filling a gap. You may eat more and maybe more extravagant stuff."

Couples may also go out to restaurants for meals more often.

Women may do less exercise when they are in a relationship, skipping a trip to the gym to spend quality time with their partner.

"Less exercise"? Clearly Dr Haslam has never been near the rowing club!

Girls, you have been warned. No matter how nice he is - dont do it!

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