Monday, October 17, 2005

Last Count

I have spent a very busy day with the auditors, which has played havoc with my lunchtime snifter.

It has been like the closing stages of the Eurovision song contest scoring (only without Norway). ????-ed

Nevertheless, the final figures are in. We have collated millions of pieces of information, and put them into the supercomputer. It has calculated the following was conmsumed by the elite sporting champions on Saturday night:

Henry Africas
3 bottles of vodka
1/2 bottle whisky
1 bottle rum
some lime
some sugar
a martini (!?)
and a campari and soda (Jimmy was that you?)

17 bottles of Fitou
15 bottles of Jacob's Creek
3 bottles of Dorinthea
4 bottles of dodgy Romanian red
1/2 bottle rose (stolen from the next door table)

Neil's place
God know's, I was nearly as hammered as Baggy by then!

May that power you down the course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Went for a boys night out & then the birds turn up!
Not P.C.-do we need to inform the quiet man with the loud compatriats?