Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Don't you ever learn?

When I was out walking the dog on Saturday morning, I spotted our resident ex-pat paddling down the docks in his scull, behind a Womens 8.

Now Morgan likes to make a point on a quiet day, but Saturday was the ultimate challenge... Could one man take on eight women and win?

The guantlet was down. The rate crept up in the scull, as did the work. He pulled out of the puddles and accelerated past the eight - only not quite as quickly as he had thought.

As Morgan lined up to take the 4 girl he had got so caught up in his personal battle that he entirely failed to spot the mens coxless four coming in the other direction... on the same side of the river.

All I can say is that it was a good job the launch was handy to pick him out of the drink!

Top swimming.

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