Thursday, March 09, 2006

Naughty Naughty - Updated

It's always good when the club manges to get national recognition, whether in the papers, on the radio or on the interweb. This week the senior crews managed to put the CBRC name onto a nationally renown website after their Tideway training exploits a few weeks ago.
Unfortuntaly it wasn't to report remarkable technique or graceful poise but rather the fact they blatently forgot to display a registration number on the boat! The men's crew were spotted and photographed by one of the Tideway's "Duty Marshalls" and now feature in their hall of shame (Photo no. 150 near the bottom).

..And the girls should also be given a sharp slap on the wrists for not only boating without a registration number but also being in the wrong part of the river (photos 86 and 87). I hope Dr. Lancaster finds the right line this Saturday!


Anonymous said...

We weren't eating cakes actually we are on the hall of shame too if you scroll down far enough!

Anonymous said...

Yes... They were picked up for 2 things...

On starboard, but not far enough!! AND no numper plate.

Evidence on picture 86/87

Gurt Lush said...

Sorry, how remiss of me. Your misdemeanours are now fully reported.