Tuesday, September 06, 2005

LTR need YOU!!

Yes - It is that time of year again! Time to welcome with open arms the new recruits to club. If only they knew what they were getting temselves into - Wonder how many Stu will scare away come the first cub social of the new rowing year!

Now to the serious bit -

There will be over 30 new starters coming down to the club starting this Sunday (11th) and will be continuing every Wednesday evening and Sunday morning up until Christmas. The first few weeks are of vital importance to get as much help from existing cub members as possible until they know which end of a blade is which!

If you can help then let either Rona or Tom know. You should be able to find their email on the members area of the club web site! Failing that stick a comment on this post, and I'll pass your details on!

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