Monday, January 16, 2006

Love is in the air

Imagine my suprise when I was greeted with this e-mail during my lunchbreak:

"I’m crazy writing this email I know, do you know the song by James Blunt " she beautiful"….? Well that moment happen to me Sunday morning 15th watching the ladies 8 (blue ish boat) leave the club for their practice run at around eleven. She was number seven, which I believe is the second one in from the helm. She had a lovely smile, I couldnt help but to keep smiling back.

Tell her please that she made my day, and the radient smile has kept me going since…. I think its like the words of the song we were just passing people, but as it is near to valentines and I’m a romantic believing in fate I had to write…."

Reading the first line, I thought it was one of my many admirers, however the lucky lady appears to be one of the lovelies amongst our latest recruits. Their knowledge of boats leaves me a little suspicious that the mystery admirer may have a connection with the club...

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