Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Sorry love, I can't hear you

Following on from the story about tinitus from last year it seems that ringing ears is the latest excuse for ignoring your significant other according to the men who study these things.

But before you rush back to La Roca for another aural assault or ask your cox to turn the amp up to 11 be warned:
"...more than a quarter of those people blamed tinnitus for having a reduced sex drive".

I'm off to buy some ear muffs.


Anonymous said...

I'm off to get some ear muffs too:

Anonymous said...

Could this explain the lack of 'action' in La Roca on Saturday? It was stupidly loud.

Anonymous said...

Why so we couldn't hear all the dodgy chat up lines??

Anonymous said...

Wasn't it more of slur we miss due to the excessive amounts of alcohol!!